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Convictions Dismissed For Two Men

Malcolm X: Mystery Surrounding His Assassination Partially Solved

Convictions Dismissed for Two Men

A New York City judge has dismissed the convictions of two men who were found guilty of killing Malcolm X. The case, which has long been shrouded in mystery, has taken a new turn with this recent development.

Who Was Malcolm X?

Malcolm X was an African American Muslim minister, human rights activist, and a prominent figure during the civil rights movement. He was a vocal advocate for Black Nationalism and self-determination.

On February 21, 1965, Malcolm X was assassinated while addressing a rally at the Audubon Ballroom in New York City. The incident sent shockwaves through the nation and remains a defining moment in the history of the civil rights movement.

Convictions and Arrests

In the aftermath of Malcolm X's assassination, three members of the Nation of Islam were arrested for his murder. They were Thomas Hagan (also known as WEB Mujahid Abdul Halim), Norman 3X Butler, and Thomas 15X Johnson.

WEB Mujahid Abdul Halim was shot in the leg by a security guard and held by the crowd before being arrested at the scene. All three men were convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison.

New Revelations

Over the years, doubts have been raised about the fairness of the convictions. In 2021, the Manhattan District Attorney's office launched a review of the case, which led to the discovery of new evidence.

Based on this new evidence, the judge dismissed the convictions of Norman 3X Butler and Thomas 15X Johnson. The ruling cited prosecutorial misconduct and the suppression of exculpatory evidence as factors in the decision.

The dismissal of the convictions has raised questions about the involvement of other parties in Malcolm X's assassination. The mystery surrounding his death continues to linger, and the recent developments have reignited interest in the case.
